Sunday, June 29, 2008


Just finished watching the movie SiCKO, makes me glad to live in Australia.

People in America have pretty bad health service, if you have any type of illness before hand you cannot get health cover, one person was declined as he was to thin for his height, another her BMI was to high.

It seems that to have any type of operation you need to get your health cover to approve it beforehand, many people dying as the health cover says it is not important..

One women at the start of the movie had good health cover, but she had a brain tumour when she went to get treatment her health cover said no as it was not life threatening, she died a few months later...

Another a women was given the money to have her operation afterwards her health company wanted the money back as she had at some time a yeast infection...
One women had a car accident and was placed into an ambulance, she received a letter from her health company saying as she hadn't got the ambulance pre-approved she would have to pay for it....

People who where volunteer's at 9-11 are now not getting treatment, they get declined, sometimes re-applying 4 times

Micheal Moore took 4 of these people to Cuba as the people in Guatemala Bay where getting full health cover, while there they went to see about getting treatment, the 9-11 people where given it straight away for free...